TEXT.TXT This is an example plain ASCII text file. ASCII is an abbreviation for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. This is an old specification for defining a coding scheme so that characters can be encoded as numbers, enabling them to be stored, transferred, and manipulated by digital computers and other communication devices. Originally, ASCII is a seven-digit binary coding scheme that allowed encoding of 128 characters including deimal numbers, the English alphabet, control characters, and a few symbols. IBM later extended this scheme to eight bits, enabling another 128 extended-ASCII characters. Aside from simple teletype control characters, such as line feed, carriage return, tab, and so on, ASCII does not support formatting. Neither does it support font technology, nor embedded objects of any type. ASCII and other older encoding schemes are slowly being replaced by Unicode, an scheme for encoding international characters and controls codes. Unicode uses a 16-bit number to represent each character, allowing for 65,536 (64 KB) of possible items. It is a superset of ASCII, and already contains most of the world's modern alphabets, with room left for expansion. .eof